Whitney Tilt | Chair | Bozeman, MT

Executive Director, AFFTA Fisheries Fund
Bozeman, MT
Whitney has spent a career working in fisheries and wildlife conservation, private lands management, and addressing a wide range of challenges from Colorado River water allocations and black-footed ferret recovery to Asian tiger conservation and evaluation of federal fisheries programs. The AFFTA Fisheries Fund works with the American Fly Fishing Trade Association to be effective advocates for abundant and healthy fisheries through education, partnership-building, and supporting on-the-ground conservation.
Whitney earned a Masters from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and began his introduction to the Greater Yellowstone Region ranching in the Tetons of Idaho. Whitney is author of the Flora of the Yellowstone, a founder of High Country Apps LLC, developing interactive field guides for smart phones and tablets, and principal at Conservation Benchmarks, LLC.
Member Since 2017