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Regional Offices

Western Wildlands

[Image Description: The Clark Fork river, surrounded by bright green shrubs, bushes, and trees. Clouds cover the sky and hide the tops of the mountains in the distance.]

Housing & Transportation

Finding a place to live during your term of service can seem overwhelming. More often than not, you’re looking for a place without being physically able to view it yourself. Our staff is here to support you but we ask that you first thoroughly research the property and who manages it. Another recommendation is to decide what you need in a living situation. Leaders and members will often cram into houses disregarding their needs of personal space. Living together can solidify relationships with other members or it may cause an undesired rift. That said, talk to people you’re thinking about rooming with. You should be able to decide fairly quickly if it will work for you. Just a reminder our office is located at 508 Toole Ave, Missoula, MT 59802.

Questions to Consider

What is your housing need? Some positions will spend extended periods of time in the field, while others are focused more in town, and both scenarios can be true for the same position at different times of the season. Please talk to your hiring manager to determine how often you will need to acquire your own housing.

What are your housing preferences? You could rent an apartment or house with fellow MCCers, rent a room from a community member, camp, or a combination of these options. Camping during warmer months is an option but we do not recommend camping from February – March, and October.

What is your budget? Generally splitting a rental with fellow members is less expensive than renting a room from someone in the community, however, you normally have to pay a deposit and utilities. Generally renting a room from someone in the community has utilities included. 

What is your transportation? Boots, bike, or 4 wheels? Your sphere of possibilities expands if you have a bike, and even more so if you have a car. There isn’t any camping within walking distance.

Resources to help you find housing

Local newspapers
Income-based housing
Missoula Hostel

Property Management Companies:

Professional Property Management
ADEA Property Management, LLP
Garden City Property Management
Summit Property Management, Inc.
Plum Property Management
Grizzly Property Management, Inc.
Missoula Property Management
Caras Property Management
Rent Smart



Mountain Line is a public transit agency, providing service to Missoula and the University of Montana. Biking is also a popular option for commuting, more information about bike lanes is available here.