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[Image Description: An expansive view of the snow capped peaks with rolling, green hills and fields of bright yellow flowers in the foreground.]

Kris Pesci | IT Specialist

Kris Pesci | IT Specialist

Growing up in New Jersey, Kris spent many of his formative years backpacking and kayaking the many rivers and peaks of New England.  He obtained a degree in urban planning from New York University, and spent several years immersed in the city’s vibrant cycling community.  When the charm of city life wore off, Kris moved out west to work as a river guide in Utah, helping others appreciate the beauty and history that the high desert holds.  After moving to Montana in 2018, he transitioned to work in the IT industry, and is excited to apply these skills in support of MCC’s mission.  Nowadays, he can usually be found running the local rivers, skiing, or working on the latest sewing project.

kris at