MCC's promise is to ignite the potential - for leadership, for service, for action and resilience - that exists in every person. We are committed to helping young people practice skills that help them to shape their future.
By weaving together leadership development, teamwork, civic engagement, and work-skills training with direct service to our lands and communities, MCC helps teens and young adults develop competencies for achieving success. Through their service, our participants experience the full measure of their character and discover their capacity to lead change in their communities and, just as importantly, in their own lives.
In return, our corps members protect amazing wild places like Yellowstone, Glacier, the Bob Marshall Wilderness, and local trails and parks. Each year MCC participants deliver over 400,000 hours of service on public lands. That's more than 200 full-time jobs! They leave a lasting impact and improve the world around us.
MCC enrolls over 300 young adult AmeriCorps members in crew-based and individual intern positions. Additionally, our youth programs mobilize hundreds of Montana teens in transformative corps experiences. MCC's innovative curriculum is grounded in the four pillars of connection to People, Place, Power, and future Pathways. Through these experiences, these emerging leaders may transform their passions into actions.
85% have more confidence and resilience
86% believe they can make a difference in their communities
89% are able to better communicate with others
Over 21,000 miles of trails improved since 1991
Over 1,250,500 trees planted in the last 32
134,400 acres of noxious weeds treated
Each year we improve 1,000 miles of trails