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[Image Description: Four MCC members wade across a river. In the background, there are hillsides covered in gold from the quaking aspens, and deep green pine trees.]

Week One: The New Beginning

A selfie of a group of new crew members

A warm Monday morning brings in a new era of Greater Yellowstone stewards. Wide-eyed newbies drifted in from the parking lot eager to start this exciting journey. For many of them, it was their first time in Montana, every corner of this country was represented by individuals among this young crew. Many come here looking for the chance to disconnect from devices, become confident with the outdoors, grow, and make a difference. These new MCC members will get an chance to do all that.

During this first week, the new crews sat in, going through their extensive orientation training. Among the things learned: the history of MCC, teamwork skills, various safety trainings, knots, and more. Crew members bonded over teambuilding activities and many, many hacky sack games.

Although the training was rigorous, the new MCC crew members found ways to relax and have fun at Battle Ridge Campground. Cooking with their individual crews, playing card games, sitting by the fire, and even having a concert (look up Dayne Pack on Spotify!). Overall, this first week was only the start of a new adventure with lots more to come.