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[Image Description: Four MCC members wade across a river. In the background, there are hillsides covered in gold from the quaking aspens, and deep green pine trees.]

The Last Spray (featuring Adam)

Four weeds crew members pose on an overlook, holding their weed spraying equipment and smiling.

This hitch was one of utmost importance, as not only was the 4th of July a few days into it, but our field coordinator Adam was going to visit in our last few days of work!! Both kept our morale high as we trudged through fields and rough mountainsides with our project partner Allison and her crew, spraying for knapweed and a variety of thistle. The hot days had us trudging and pushing us harder than we have in comparison to previous hitches, but with our combined optimism and Allison's efficiency and preparedness, our days flew by! The 4th of July meant a hot dog dinner, an all-American playlist, and a rodeo just outside of Yellowstone! Talk about American, right? After we trudged along to the last couple of days, our excitement for Adam's arrival was practically overflowing. As soon as he arrived, he immediately became a part of the crew. We all celebrated with a fancy dinner for him (curry on a literal silver platter) and even a beach day at Yellowstone Lake! While this hitch was incredibly physically taxing, our attitude and strengths helped us persevere and make the most out of our last visit to Yellowstone.