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[Image Description: Four MCC members wade across a river. In the background, there are hillsides covered in gold from the quaking aspens, and deep green pine trees.]

Rocks to the Bar

An axe is sticking out of a stump, with a chainsaw placed behind it

Rocks, rocks, rocks. Rocks in our saws, rocks in our boots, rocks in the roads. This hitch was equivalent to a rock: hard. We started our hitch on familiar grounds in the Bozeman area. We created a fire line down Leverich Canyon. From felling trees to digging through rocky ground we finished the line in 6 days. Little Bear Road was next to call our name. It was a long and rock-scattered drive up to the top of the mountain. More sawing and even more rocks. Our saw chains were victims of many rocks that day. After one night up there, we packed up and headed back to Fairy Lake to put in trail signs. Digging led to rocks which led to even bigger rocks. Overall, it was tough but it was good. It flew by like a rock tumbling down the mountain.