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[Image Description: Four MCC members wade across a river. In the background, there are hillsides covered in gold from the quaking aspens, and deep green pine trees.]

Playing Beaver

A beaver dam analog in a stream with the Bridger Mountains in the background.

For this hitch, we kept it local (very local) in Bozeman and worked with Trout Unlimited to build beaver dam analogs (BDAs), log jams, and move copious amounts of logs and posts. The creek that we worked on was Mandeville Creek, just behind Murdoch's Ranch & Home Supply, which has supplied many a pair of gloves for MCC members. The purpose of the work we were doing was to create more habitat for fish, control erosion, expand the wetland area, and produce potential beaver habitat by building structures that they can add to, and creating deeper spots with slower-moving water where they can live without being predated.

We began by moving posts and floating logs down the river to stage each site, and after a few days finally got to get into playing beaver. With the help of a hydraulic post pounder and a lot of muscle to lift it, we were getting each structure down in no time. Although it rained on us and some of our waders were leaky, we had a blast and much instant gratification seeing the effects of our work. As we built the BDAs, we could see the water pool up and start to divert to the sides and flood the grassy areas on the banks of the creek. With how close by this was, it'll be exciting to see the progress through the seasons.