Mother elk teach me how to be a better leader for youth.
The ten youth and three youth expedition leaders surpassed the US Forest Service expectations on their hitch to the Bitterroot in August of 2024.
Meredith describes why this YCC crew spent their latest hitch digging a fire line!
The thrilling tale of a youth expedition crew and their competition for a gas station soda.
Jordan recounts their youth crew's recent 2-week hitch around the Flathead Valley.
Our time at Yellowstone National Park during MCC Expedition #2
Teens come together to form a cohesive team and see new perspectives
Max describes a rocky start, but a memorable finish with MCC.
Hilarity ensues from having 6 youth in the field
Henry recounts a fun time on hitch making pancakes!
Benjamin describes the sights seen and lessons learned this summer while leading a YCC crew in Kootenai National Forest.
As our crew came to find out, there is a science on how to build the perfect rock cairn.
Finding Joy and Keeping a Level head in a Disaster
Expedition Crew Leader Karissa tells us about the recent hitch in Yellowstone, and what she learned from her teenage crew members.
Sada and Will share some "not-so-urban" dictionary definitions that they learned on an MCC Expedition to build Beaver Dam Analogs near Winnett, MT.
Jonathan recounts their youth crew's August hitch in Yellowstone National Park to repair some of the boardwalks.
Youth Leader Bostwick shares a trail song in the style of a sea shanty.
Patrick pens a short and sweet note about the takeaways from this season so far serving as a YCC Crew Leader.
Senior Expedition Leader Avi gives us a glimpse into what "site visits" (visiting a youth crew on a project) look like for SELs and Staff!
Crew Leader Bostwick describes a fun off-day at Stanton Lake in the Bob Marshall Wilderness.
YCC Crew Member Arin shares a "day in the life" as their crew fixes a fence and moves pack animals into their new habitat.
Expedition Leader Emma shares a recap of this Expedition crew's first two hitches, and a couple of member-written poems!
Hayley shares some reflections and quotes from the Glacier Youth Corps crew members' recent hitch at Bowman Lake.
Emma shares photos and facts from YCC's week conducting amphibian surveys!
Senior Expedition Leader Emma got to visit a Youth Expedition out on the prairie near Winnett, MT and learned all about beaver dam analogs.
We jumped into the season right away, working with multiple disciplines in the Forest Service.
YCC Crew Leader Andy describes a day as on a YCC crew- this time cleaning fire rings and picking up trash!
The story of how lopping trees brought our crew together
Kevin is a spunky, pink rubber chicken that joined us on all of our service projects in Glacier National Park
During Youth Week, the North and South branches of the Youth Program bond and get really close!
Patrick recalls the first few weeks of Youth Leader training, and what they've learned along the way.
YCC Leader Hannah shares what their leadership training has been like and a little about the beauty of the area!
YCC Crew Leader Will recounts the training that the youth leaders learned about bears, and recounts some precautions they took.
Senior Expedition Leader Avi writes about Trail Training with Northern Rockies Crew
Emma recounts the youth team's awesome week full of team bonding and learning how to chainsaw!
With MCC, it was love. Not love for someone, or even for a place though I did love where I was. But love for a way of being alive, a way of being a leader.
After years of guiding summer expeditions during college, serving as an MCC Youth Expedition leader provided me with challenges and successes that I had never experienced elsewhere. Instead of simply recreating in these beautiful spaces, we were learning about their history, contributing to their maintenance, and growing as individuals.
YCC Crew Members explore the variety of departments in the US Forest Service.
YCC Leader Allison reflects on the favorite hitch of the season- building wildlife fences to protect wetland!
YCC member Katie reflects on a few of her favorite memories with her crew this summer.
"Growing up in Eureka my whole life, I've gotten to go to many different lakes around here! I thought this spot was especially fun because I never even knew it existed. Discovering this new lake with my crew made me feel more connected with the area I live in."
Expedition leader Nicole recounts some of the games that their crew played on hitch! Future leaders- take note!
Lincoln YCC teamed up with the YFMP to do some citizen science
Lincoln YCC gets a crash course on trail work.
In the first two weeks of the Lincoln YCC program, close friends became even closer through hard work.
Lincoln YCC crew leaders Mary and Emma learn a new skill and grow their confidence.
Expedition Leaders Caspar and Erin recall their hitch removing barbed wire out on the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range.
South Youth Program leaders learned and bonded on our field skills hitch.
Leaders Nicole and Kyle asked their youth members to recount some of the funniest moments they experienced during this past hitch.