Weeks 3 and 4 of the Lincoln YCC season have been all trails, trails, trails! The crew is getting a crash course on trail work, and building our muscles while we do it.
For a good chunk of days, our crew hiked up the Mike Horse area, clearing an old, overgrown service road so it can become an ATV trail. A long hike up the steep face of the trail was a butt-kicker but showed us all what we can do even with chainsaws or axes on our backs. I got some tips on felling trees from the Lincoln trail crew leader, Al. Watching my face cuts improve with each tree built up my confidence.
Another day, half of our group cleared water bars and drains on the Arastra Creek trail — hiking 13 miles and making 3 stream crossings in the process! The other half worked through the slow process of snipping back brush in the trail corridor.
Finally, on another day, again the group split to clear two connecting trails with half starting on one end and half on the other. Lots of bucking and hiking resulted in 15 miles trekked by the first group, while the other group trudged up a long, steep hillside. We were all exhausted from that long day, but each of us felt fulfilled knowing we put in some good work outdoors.