"YCC members are so valuable and their work is always appreciated and needed."
-Quote from a Project Partner
Well, you heard it here folks, YCC is pretty cool. As a YCC crew member, you get to navigate the departments of the forest service and get to do the very same work that the members that work in these departments do. The departments that our crew navigated this season are Fire, Recreation, Silviculture, Wildlife, and most recently Trails. This program is educational, fun, difficult at times, but most of all so rewarding. I truly believe that the values and mission that MCC has adds the perfect "spice" to the Forest Service.
Despite all crew members being born and raised in Eureka, they all got to learn more about the land they live on and the community they are serving. This helped them to see more value overall in their work. Both my crew members, co-leader, and I all explored new places together. Even on the most difficult days of work we could still laugh at the end of the day because that is what YCC does best: teamwork. Our most effective work was done as a team, working alongside one another, laughing, but also sweating our butts off.
As we know YCC is a leadership and development program. We are here to inspire the youth for future generations to come. Not only did we dig half miles of tread and save the forest, but we also worked alongside each crew member to create a resume that they could take with them for future careers they explore. In fact, a few of our members want a job with the Forest Service. It's a double win really when you see growth in your crew members and in yourself at the end of a hard summer.
This program is engaging, powerful, and is a memorable experience for all. It is all worth it at the end of the day when you can help your community and nation, even in the smallest ways. I will forever carry this experience with me, and I hope that my crew and future YCC crews will be able to say the same.
As one of my crew members would say: "Autobots Roll out!"