Despite only having six crew mates during our 11-day expeditions in the wilderness, a seventh member had made his way onto the crew. Kevin (he/him) had traveled along with another participant of the Glacier Youth Corps Crew. He is a pink, rubber chicken that gave the kids an item to bond over and take care of on hitch. Kevin was able to pick up fuel reduction on the side of the roads, pick up trash in campgrounds, pull out noxious weeds like Spotted Knapweed, and survey huckleberries as we hiked on trails throughout Glacier. Kevin was able to explore as far as Two Medicine to Polebridge. Additionally, there were many nights of campfire stories, dipping toes in the water after a hot summer day, and card games. We also managed to convince our project partners to throw a pizza party with us! I am sad Kevin will not be joining us on our next hitch, but I am sure he will cherish the memories of the 11-days in Glacier National Park.