Week one was off to a rocky start, figuring out group dynamics and managing professional relationships. As we met our crew and project partners, we were weary about how the summer would work out. It seemed normal though. None of us expected it to be smooth and perfect from the start. We got to work with a variety of different disciplines such as silviculture and fire crew, so it was neat to get a mix of work. Some of the projects so far have been planting cedar trees, piling slash, digging fire lines, cutting firewood, and lots of swamping! As the work got more intense I found the crew getting more involved. There is nothing like watching a bunch of teenage guys get their energy out by seeing who can chop the most wood! There have been some hiccups in the road and changes in dynamic, but it’s just the leadership challenge I was looking for when I started this job! I’m excited to watch the summer unfold and see how myself and my coworkers grow.