So often, the path’s been set.
That soon we will forget,
Oh! how to carve a dream.
Remember, remember young company!
Heave at the trail.
Pick at the green.
Wait till the work’s over.
Wait till the work’s over.
Go a-walk’n!
Go a-swing’n!
Not for the company,
But for your company.
And when we stop to rest,
And the sun’s on high.
Point yer waters down.
Point yer waters down.
Heave at the trail.
Pick at the green.
Wait till the work’s over.
Wait till the work’s over.
Go a-walk’n!
Go a-swing’n!
Not for the company,
But for your company.
And when the partners come,
And they point’um fingers
Don’t throw yer axes down.
Don’t throw yer axes down.
Heave at the trail.
Pick at the green.
Wait till the work’s over.
Wait till the work’s over.
Go a-walk’n!
Go a-swing’n!
Not for the company,
But for your company.
So the hill’s a-burn’n,
And the clouds are dark.
Point yer waters down.
Point yer waters down.
Heave at the trail.
Pick at the green.
Wait till the work’s over.
Wait till the work’s over.
Go a-walk’n!
Go a-swing’n!
Not for the company,
But for your company.
And now the trails are ablaze’n.
N’ the work needs redone.
Swing yer axes down.
Oh! Swing yer axes down!
Heave at the trail.
Pick at the green.
Wait till the work’s over.
Wait till the work’s over.
Go a-walk’n!
Go a-swing’n!
Not for the company,
But for your company.
So the seasons o’er,
And we must bid farewell
For some time to part.
Take yer helmets off.
Shake away all the dust.
And throw.. yer.. axes.. down…