In the News
Montana Conservation Corps is a nationally-recognized Montana-based nonprofit dedicated to inspiring young people through hands-on conservation service to be leaders, stewards of the land, and engaged citizens who improve their communities. MCC young adult and youth crews work on public land conservation projects throughout Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and the Dakotas.
MCC Press Contact Information
Jono McKinney, President/CEO | 406-587-4475 ext. 103 or jono at
U.S. Forest Service layoffs ripple beyond the agency
Read on for more about the recent USFS layoffs, and how MCC is impacted.
Montana Conservation Corps honored with national award amid funding worries
Montana Conservation Corps members have been busy as beavers with their latest project, earning national recognition for their efforts to restore the vitality of prairie streams.
Read more about the Project of the Year Award and national funding.
In this episode of Montana PBS Reports: Impact, the U.S. Forest Service announced budget cuts this past September that go into effect in 2025. Learn how Montana's National Forests and its employees will be affected in the upcoming season.
Artificial beaver dams help Montana ranchers restore streams and protect wildlife
Read more about MCC's work to restore streams by mimicking a wild animal once plentiful in the Northern Great Plains: the beaver.
he Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest along with Montana Conservation Corps is piloting a new program to get youth boots on the ground doing conservation work
while being exposed to careers in natural resources. The program, called Helena Youth Corps, is a new offering from MCC specifically tailored to 17- to 18-year-old students at high school graduating level but still constrained by public school scheduling.Read more about our new Helena Youth Corps
Parents and siblings gathered at Lindley Park on Wednesday buzzed with excitement amid the summer heat as two white vans bearing the Montana Conservation Corps logo pulled in and a dozen sunburnt teenagers spilled out. The gathering served as a graduation for two groups of high school-aged participants who completed an 11-day excursion with the Montana Conservation Corps Youth Expedition Program, working on conservation projects across the state.
Read more about our Youth Expedition Program
Park staff and volunteers work to pick up polystyrene foam along Lake McDonald’s shores
Read more about our BSWC members' efforts to clean up Lake McDonald in Glacier National Park.
How Montanans are banding together to preserve an iconic American landscape
Check out this video story, featuring footage of MCC's work building BDAs.
Read Conservation Fellow Emily Soreghan's article, Streamside Dispatch, about her travels around Montana for the Ranching for Rivers program (R4R).
Episode #163: Be Bold - Inspiring the next generation to protect and cherish our natural spaces with Caleb Stewart of The Montana Conservation Corps
Forest Service deploys historic funding across Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest
Years of deferred maintenance at recreation sites on the Helena-Lewis and Clark National Forest are getting checked off the to-do list as the forest capitalizes on funding from the Great American Outdoors Act.
Read more about how the Helena-Lewis and Clark Natl Forest is utilizing these funds by using MCC crews!
Workers test Gallatin Co. waters for E. coli
2023 Conservation Intern Chase Ackerman talks with NBC Montana about testing the waters for toxic algae blooms in Gallatin Valley.
Chainsaw training for MCC team members happening in Helena
HELENA — If you go hiking out on Mount Helena this week you may hear the distant whirring of chainsaws. And if you follow this trail, you might see some of the important training being done by the Montana Conservation Corps.
Native plant project helping keep Missoula's water clean
MISSOULA - A native plant project planted several varieties of riparian plants along Pattee Creek Drive in Missoula on Friday. Big Sky Watershed Corps member Mackenzie Tenan led the project, partnering with Missoula Stormwater and several state organizations to fund the project.
Deputy Interior Secretary Touts Investments in Montana Infrastructure at Helena Event
Tommy Beaudreau, President Joe Biden’s deputy secretary of the Interior, touted the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and how it will benefit Montana during a press event in Helena Friday.
“It is truly an opportunity to unleash resilience initiatives, the work of the (Montana Conservation) Corps, but also demonstrate to all of us true common ground when it comes to providing for fundamental needs of the American people around basic infrastructure, resilient landscapes and good-paying jobs and opportunities to rebuild America better than ever,” Beaudreau said.
Gateway to Glacier Trails Gaining Ground
Read more about this new project to expand recreational opportunities near Glacier National Park.
Wildlife officials survey for snapping turtles, bullfrogs
Read more about MCC's Herptile Crew!