Youth Expedition Leader/Helena Youth Corps Leader
Youth Crew Leader Positions are full for 2025, Get notified for 2026!
(Click for full position description)
Location: Bozeman and Kalispell, MT
Ages: 21-35
Program Dates: 05/12/2025-08/15/2025
Living Allowance: $1,360 biweekly before taxes are taken out
AmeriCorps Education Award: $2,817.14 upon completion of the program
FREE Health Insurance
(Click for Position Description)
Location: Bozeman, MT
Program Dates: 5/12/2025 - 8/15/2025
Living Allowance: $1,360 biweekly before taxes are taken out
AmeriCorps Education Award: $2,817.14 upon completion of the program
FREE Health Insurance
Benefits for Youth Leader Positions:
FREE Health Insurance
Member Assistance Program: Free 24/7 access to confidential behavioral health counseling, financial assistance, medical/legal advocacy, and more!
Public Lands Service Corps Hiring Preference: Members serving with federal land management agencies may be eligible to receive hiring preference for future federal job placement
Supportive coaching staff invested in your success.
Food Per Diem while on Projects
Access to Pro Deals!
Housing options may be available in specific regions; talk with a Program Manager to learn more!!
Youth Expedition & Helena Youth Corps Leaders support and supervise Montana high school youth in the successful completion of natural resource and community service projects, provide on-site management of a youth crew, implement curriculum and actively facilitate crew dynamics to ensure a high level of crew community and safety.
Youth Expedition Leaders will work with a co-leader to oversee 4-6 youth participants on overnight service projects. These projects range in 3-11 days in length with one week of local community-based projects. Youth participants are Montana residents ages 14-18 years old and come from a variety of backgrounds. Each expedition will be with a different roster of youth participants. Youth Expedition Leaders and their crews will camp for the full duration of the session, oftentimes in remote locations on varied terrain and in all weather conditions. Camping accommodations are typically tent camping in sites that you’re able to drive up to. Work may include building or maintaining trails, building fences, and habitat restoration, among many other types of conservation projects.
Helena Youth Corps Leaders support and supervise Montana 5 high school youth in the successful completion of natural resource and community service projects, provide on-site management of a youth crew, implement curriculum and actively facilitate crew dynamics to ensure a high level of crew community and safety. Leaders will work with a co-leader to oversee 5 youth participants on overnight conservation-based projects. These projects will be 11 days in length and each project will be in a different area of the Helena Lewis & Clark National Forest. This is a wonderful opportunity to explore the Rocky Mountain Front! Youth participants are Montana residents ages 17-18 years old and come from a variety of backgrounds who will be serving as Americorps members and will be participating for all 4 sessions throughout the summer season. The crew will camp for the full duration of the session, oftentimes in remote locations on varied terrain and in all weather conditions. Camping accommodations are typically tent camping in sites that you’re able to drive up to. Work may include building or maintaining trails, building fences, and habitat restoration, among many other types of conservation projects
Check out the Greater Yellowstone Regional Office page for more information on our Southern Branch location
Check out the Northern Rockies Regional Office page for more information on our Northern Branch location