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Adult Conservation Crews

Field Crew Member

[Image description: Six crew members stand on a ridge, looking down. Two are holding large ladders, and behind them, the jagged peaks of the Northern Rocky Mountains arise.]

Field Crew Member

  • Field Crew Member

    Location: Bozeman, Helena, Kalispell, and Missoula MT
    Ages: 17-30, up to 35 for military veterans
    Program Dates: 05/12/2025-10/17/2025
    Living Allowance: $1,200 biweekly before taxes are taken out
    AmeriCorps Education Award: $3,697.50 upon completion of the program
    FREE Health Insurance

  • Field Crew Member FALL ONLY

    Location: Bozeman, Helena, Kalispell, and Missoula MT
    Ages: 17-30, up to 35 for military veterans
    Position Dates: 08/04/2025-10/17/2025
    Living Allowance: $1,200 biweekly before taxes are taken out
    AmeriCorps Education Award: $1,565.08 upon completion of program
    Member Assistance Program: Free 24/7 access to confidential behavioral health counseling, financial assistance, medical/legal advocacy, and more!
    Public Lands Service Corps Hiring Preference: Members serving with federal land management agencies may be eligible to receive hiring preference for future federal job placement
    Supportive coaching staff invested in your success.
    Food Per Diem while on Projects
    Access to Pro Deals
    Housing options may be available in specific regions; talk with a Program Manager to learn more!!

Benefits for all Crew Member Positions:

Member Assistance Program: Free 24/7 access to confidential behavioral health counseling, financial assistance, medical/legal advocacy, and more!
Public Lands Service Corps Hiring Preference: Members serving with federal land management agencies may be eligible to receive hiring preference for future federal job placement
Supportive coaching staff invested in your success.
Food Per Diem while on Projects
Access to Pro Deals
Housing options may be available in specific regions; talk with a Program Manager to learn more!! 

Through a term of service with MCC, participants not only walk away with valuable technical and field skills, but also develop competencies to achieve success in a wide variety of careers. Crew Members experience the full measure of their character and discover their capacity to lead change in their communities and, just as importantly, in their own lives.  

Crew Members work on 4-9 day overnight conservation projects on some of the most breathtaking landscapes in the Northern Rockies and Plains. Crews will be made up of adults who are 17-30 years old and come from a variety of backgrounds and locations throughout the country. Crews will camp for the full duration of a hitch (i.e. 4-9 day project assignment), oftentimes in remote locations on varied terrain and in all weather conditions. Camping accommodations vary, including car-camping and remote backcountry settings away from a vehicle. Project work is physically demanding, and could include trail maintenance and construction, habitat restoration, mesic restoration, planting, backcountry work, forest fuels reduction, and more. Not all CMs will work on all types of projects! Crews may be deployed for natural disaster relief.  Each member will get basic first aid/CPR certifications, and, more importantly, a professional stepping stone to agencies like BLM, Forest Service, and the Parks Service! Beyond that, you are helping so many others to connect to the great outdoors and improving our public lands.

A term of service with MCC places our participants in an excellent position for future federal hiring and conservation careers!