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[Image Description: The sun peeks over a mountain range in the distance. In the forefront, pine trees, bushes and undergrowth are illuminated by the light.]

Taylor Howard - Northern Rockies, 2023

Taylor Howard - Northern Rockies, 2023

In her all too short life, Taylor was a "shining star,"  radiating equal measures of compassion and ambition. With a heart full of passion for nature and commitment to service, Taylor's selflessness spreads joy to all those around her - from her 10 siblings and additional foster siblings to her fellow crew members in the brief weeks she served with MCC.  

Taylor was as adventurous as she was caring. Before her 17th birthday, inspired by childhood adventuring, she solo kayaked nearly the full Florida Circumnavigational Saltwater Paddling Trail with her dad and two of her siblings. The Appalachian Trail was next on her list for 2024. She was also a high achiever, earning her diploma at 16 and just a year later completing her final test for an Associate's Degree while launching her MCC AmeriCorps service.

Taylor died in a car accident while returning to camp from a day of volunteering for National Trails Day in June 2023. She touched many lives in her first few weeks with MCC. In memory of her positivity, thoughtfulness, compassion, and excitement about a season of service in Montana, MCC dedicated a memorial trail in her honor at our Raven Work Station basecamp (Kootenai National Forest) where she was living.